Tips to Handle Negative Feedback on Social Media Professionally

Criticism and negative comments are an indispensable part of having a social media presence. Brand-bashing is nothing new, and it is the norm rather than the exception. How you handle these negative comments and feedback determines your brand’s online credibility. So, how can you boost your review management efforts and improve your social media management skills? 

In this blog, we will discuss the best ways to handle negative feedback and trolls on social media.  

A] Best Strategies to Deal with Negative Comments on Social Media

Did you know that, as per the American Express Study, 35% of customers in the US post negative comments about the companies on their social media? Thus, having proper responses and learning to navigate trolls and negativity is an important element of your social media marketing strategy. Here are the best tips to handle negative comments and feedback that crop up from time to time – 

Don’t ignore or delete the negative comments

    Ignorance is bliss, but not when it comes to negative comments on your brand’s posts. Ignoring the negative comment can give the angry client another reason to dislike your brand, affecting credibility. You must reply to every comment to build public relations and connect with your followers. Address the comment or feedback as soon as possible, and don’t let it linger. 

    Sometimes, it is fine to remove comments that are offensive, mean, or off-point. At the same time, ensure you don’t delete negative comments if they are genuine complaints or feedback. 

    Acknowledge and be apologetic

      Whether the feedback is positive, negative, or constructive criticism, you must acknowledge them and express appreciation. If customers are complaining about the products or services, say you’re sorry and respond in an apologetic way. It is best to take the “customer is always right” approach and earn their respect, which helps build brand image. 

      It is also important to treat customer feedback appreciatively and take them as a way to improve your products. So, after you have apologized to the customer, let them know that you will actually follow through with their suggestions for improvement. 

      Discuss the issue privately

        If customers are being too harsh with their comments or they start creating a negative comment thread, it is better to discuss their problems privately. When customers are leaving bad comments repeatedly, you must respond to them publicly first and then send them a private message over the social media app or email to discuss the matter and provide a more personal experience. This will show the customer that their concerns matter and make them feel included, which can help with brand loyalty. 

        Ask them how you can help or improve

          If a particular customer comment is offensive or lacks context, you can respond by asking the customer how they think the brand can improve on that front. The customer will either reply with a suggestion or have nothing more to say, which will close the negative conversation without going any further. 

          Sometimes, customers might provide unique ideas that you can include in your brand strategy. This way of responding also makes them feel like they are contributing to the brand, which can help build a strong community. 

          Generate positive comments

            Negativity is part and parcel of having a strong social media presence, and it is impossible to avoid it. But you can minimize their impact by generating more positive reviews so they outshine the trolls and blatant criticisms. 

            To get more positive comments and reviews on your pages, create engaging content and create a relationship with your customers by interacting with them regularly. You can also use humor and witty replies, as it is the perfect ice-breaker to conversate with your clients via comments. 

            Designate a team or use a review-tracking tool

              With the increasing importance of social media worldwide, handling your online presence is becoming daunting. Many brands hire a social media marketing agency to help them respond to negative comments in a way that doesn’t affect their reputation. You can use a designated team to deal with your social media channels, especially if the negative comments are increasing over time. 

              Another way to deal with negative feedback is to use an automated review tracking tool so you can get instant notifications. This will help you respond to the comments promptly and counter fake negative reviews. 
              Thus, dealing with negative reviews and trolls is a continuous effort on the brand’s end. You can follow these tips and make them a part of your strategy to deal with negative feedback and take them as a way of finding room for improvement. Ensure to take genuine negative comments into account and follow through with your promises. However, if the reviews and comments are getting out of hand, we recommend hiring a social media agency as they are better equipped to deal with online negativity.

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